SEOPrix SEO Company
Looking for an SEO agency that understands the intricacies of your business? Here we are! SEOPrixis a renowned digital marketing company providing Google SEO, web design, link building, guest posts, and content creation services.
Fell Free To Contact Us
Get in touch with us and let us know how we can help.

+1 (747) 218-7540

1063 66th St, Brooklyn, NY 11219, USA

1063 66th St, Brooklyn, NY 11219, USA


On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is the phrase used to describe what can be done on the pages of a Web site to make it as search engine friendly as possible. The most important point is to make your site accessible for the search engines. In our experience a well done onsite optimization can contribute as much as 30-40% to a site’s ranking success.

On-page SEO should be the first step in your SEO campaign. It is a foundation for your further optimization efforts. If your Web site is not optimized then you have less chance of getting good placements in the search engines.

The following is a list of considerations when optimizing each and every page on your entire site.

On Page Elements:

  1. Content – unique content on every single page
  2. Keywords research and selection
  3. Keyword density
  4. Titles tags
  5. Meta tags
  6. Alt tags
  7. Header elements
  8. Text-modifying tags
  9. URL’s and file names
  10. Readability and design
  11. Web site usability
  12. Load time
  13. Sitemap and other factors


  • Hyperlink/Anchor Tag Tag: <a> Syntax: <a href=“url.html” title=&#8

  • Description: The tags ‘bold’ and ‘strong’ make the enclosed text b

  • Good content is what makes a Web site attractive to a visitor and what search engines eval

  • Domain name is an internet Web site address. A domain name locates an organization or othe

  • What is an RSS feed and how to add a feed to your RSS reader you can learn from off-page

  • Tag: <hx>where x = 1, 2, 3</hx>Syntax: <h1>Header</h1>, <h2>Header</h2

  • Tag: <title> Syntax: <title>keyword/category/branding</title>

  • Tag: <img> Syntax: <img src=“location of image” alt=“

  • Choosing keywords is one of the most crucial parts of search engine optimization. Identify

  • The value of any SEO effort lies in the keywords you choose. Keyword research should be th

  • It is widely accepted that fast-loading pages improve the user experience. Very soon Googl

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nec in adipiscing purus luctus, urna pellentesque fringilla ve

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nec in adipiscing purus luctus, urna pellentesque fringilla ve

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nec in adipiscing purus luctus, urna pellentesque fringilla ve

  • Much of search engine optimization has to do with the technical aspects of how you code yo

  • What is a robots.txt File? The robots.txt file is a file placed on your server and used to

  • What is a sitemap? A sitemap is a visual or textually organized model of a Web site’

  • In the search engine world, spam is defined as the manipulation of a web page to give it a

  • Friendly URL’s are good for both your human audience and the search engines. Structu

  • A usable Web site means that users can easily read your online information. The other side