SEOPrix SEO Company
Looking for an SEO agency that understands the intricacies of your business? Here we are! SEOPrixis a renowned digital marketing company providing Google SEO, web design, link building, guest posts, and content creation services.
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1063 66th St, Brooklyn, NY 11219, USA

1063 66th St, Brooklyn, NY 11219, USA


Header Tags

Header Tags

Tag: <hx>where x = 1, 2, 3</hx>

 <h1>Header</h1>, <h2>Header</h2>, <h3>Header</h3>

The header tag is an HTML element that indicates structure in an HTML document and a way of hierarchically arranging content.
Placing a section of text within a header tag tells the search engines that the text is of a certain level of importance.


• Header tags are arranged in preset levels of importance ranging from <h1>, the most important, to <h6>, the least important. On an individual article however only one <h1> tag should appear. This is correct as there is only one chunk of distinct information; all other information is of a lesser but related importance and is given H2 and H3 tags.

• Headers separate paragraphs into related subtopics and from a literary point of view, it may be pointless to have a heading after every other paragraph but from SEO point of view it is extremely good.
• Use keywords in headings.
• There are no technical length limits for the contents of the <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, … <hn> tags but common sense says that too long headers are bad for page readability. Another issue you need to consider is how the heading will be displayed. If it is header tag 1 (<h1>), generally this means larger font size and in this case it is recommendable to have less than 7-8 words in the heading, otherwise it might spread on 2 or 3 lines, which is not good and if you can avoid it – do it.

Currently, the use of CSS allows you to redefine the appearance of text highlighted with these tags. This means that <H> tags are used less nowadays, but are still very important in SEO work. However, their importance is decreasing and may soon me a lesser consideration for SEO.

[Unoptimized] Handbags for Sale

[Optimized] <H1>Handbags for Sale</H1>
