SEOPrix SEO Company
Looking for an SEO agency that understands the intricacies of your business? Here we are! SEOPrixis a renowned digital marketing company providing Google SEO, web design, link building, guest posts, and content creation services.
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+1 (747) 218-7540

1063 66th St, Brooklyn, NY 11219, USA

1063 66th St, Brooklyn, NY 11219, USA


Off-Site Optimization

Alexa Traffic Rank provides information about an estimate traffic numbers and information that can assist you in spotting seasonal trends and related pages in the same topical community, a list of sites that Alexa has grouped together as being related. The Alexa Toolbar offers a shortcut to the information from the Web site. When you install the Alexa Toolbar, the Web sites you visit will be tracked; this tracking helps to increase the relevancy and accuracy of Alexa’s...

What is linkbait? Linkbait is a piece of content placed on a web page - whether it's a useful article, a unique blog post, picture, that people respond to by linking to or sharing with others. Many bloggers work hard to create an effective linkbait for the specific intention of gathering links from as many different sources as possible.Some people believe that is a great search engine optimization tool. How does link bait will help your SEO? • The...

Really simple syndication (RSS) is a relatively easy way to distribute content via the Internet. RSS Feeds are simple XML-based systems for sharing headlines and other regularly changing Web content. Many news-related sites, blogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed. Webmasters can put their content into a standardized RSS format, which can be viewed and organized through RSS-aware program or automatically conveyed as new content on another Web site. A program known as...

Video sharing Web sites allow users to upload, view and share video clips. The main aim of video in SEO terms is to create links and to sell your product or service in an attractive way. Video Web site such as YouTube provide you with one the most powerful forms of communication for you to attract potential visitors and get them interested in your products, services and Web site. You can use these video to promote...

Podcast is an audio bit of information. You can offer your visitors relevant, unique and interesting podcasts that would set your company apart from your competitors. In SEO terms podcast is another great way to drive traffic to your website and to get inbound links. You should optimize your podcast for your target keywords, use them in podcast description (transcript) and in header. To promote your podcast go on social networking sites and podcast directories which your potential...

A wiki is a server program that allows users to collaborate in forming the content of a Web site. Wiki allows anyone to edit, delete or modify content that has been placed on the Web site using a browser interface, including other users' contributions. Wikis are known as the tool of choice for large, multiple-participant projects. Visitors can also create new content and change the organization of existing content. The prime example of a wiki in action...

Forum is an online discussion site where users create profiles and communicate with each other on the web. Before a prospective member joins a forum and makes posts to others, they are usually required to register. In general they are required to create an online identity (nickname) to be used on the forum. After a member is approved by the administrator or moderator of the forum, you will be able to log in the forum, read what...

Micro-blogging is a combination of blogging and instant messaging that allows users to create a short message that is posted on their profile. Micro-blogging allows you to write brief text updates about your life on the go, and send them to friends and interested observers via text messaging, instant messaging, email or the web. Subscribers can read micro-blog posts online or request that updates be delivered in real time to their desktop as an instant message...

Blog stands for “web log” – it is a shared online journal, maintained by an individual posting regular entries. Blog posts don’t need to be very long - approx. 200-350 words. Blogger is reflecting his or her ideals, knowledge or unique perspective on some topic which might influence opinions in the marketplace. In SEO terms blog’s main purpose is traffic generation and creating of fresh content. WordPress is one of the blogging platforms where you can set up...

Social bookmarking is a convenient way of saving your favorite Web sites (links to them) on the Web, that you can access them from any computer with Internet connection Social bookmarking sites allows you to share your bookmarks with everybody or to restrict them to selected friends. In SEO terms using social bookmarking is an excellent way of getting deep links to your site. Digg, StumbleUpon, and other social bookmarking sites categorize links with tagging system...