SEOPrix SEO Company
Looking for an SEO agency that understands the intricacies of your business? Here we are! SEOPrixis a renowned digital marketing company providing Google SEO, web design, link building, guest posts, and content creation services.
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+1 (747) 218-7540

1063 66th St, Brooklyn, NY 11219, USA

1063 66th St, Brooklyn, NY 11219, USA


Link Development

There is no doubt about it: link building has evolved. In fact, things have changed so much over the years that link-building techniques that were effective even a few years ago are already completely out of date. Link building has always been evolving, but the recent Panda and Penguin updates from Google took things to another level. Panda targeted low-quality, thin content masquerading as useful information, whereas Penguin targeted unnatural links. So how exactly has link building changed since...

While having dinner with a colleague the other day, we were discussing the particulars of effective link building campaigns. Not necessarily social media or blog strategies, but raw, traditional link building: finding prospects, evaluating websites and soliciting link requests. This post is about the factors website owners should be aggregating when researching and evaluating possible link opportunities and what sort of existing, tangible benchmarks you can set in your prospecting strategy. I look at traditional link building the...

The creation of quality inbound links is the most important ingredient when it pertains to long-term search engine optimization success. The process for inbound link creation is a long-term commitment, which involves the creation of link-worthy content, effective link submissions and detailed documentation and reporting, among a series of other strategies and ideas (some good and some bad). As an ongoing practice, I recommend that website owners check their inbound links as recorded by the major search engines, in order to get...

“Oh-my-God! – I don’t believe it” That’s what you’re going to be saying after you wake up to see your site has leap-frogged your competitors overnight. Unleash the hounds onto Google Search with these super-powerful, high-quality, high pagerank backlinks from my premium high link building service. What’s It Worth To Be On Page 1 of Google? Get Your Slice Of The Pie!Did you know around 42% of visitors click on the #1 spot on Google search results? Isn’t that staggering? 12% click on #2 and...

One of the more popular groups of bloggers today in terms of sheer number of blogs and readers is the “Mom Bloggers” or “Mommy Bloggers” category. I’m sure many of you have at least heard of Dooce which is probably the most well known in the genre (she gets over 3 million pageviews a month!). But there are literally tens of thousands of other smaller sites with hundreds of thousands of readers and you can use this to...

I frequently get requests from other sites in my niche to link back to them. The majority of them I will deny because their sites are crap and their request is lame. Yet when I email other webmasters requesting links, I have a very high success rate. Here’s how I do it. Use the good dishes Most importantly- you need your best content where other webmasters can see it and that’s the first page of your site. EVERY...

When developing backlinks for a long term project you are better off either sticking to whitehat techniques or creating a buffer circle in case you get slapped by one of the search engines. (“One of the search engines” sounds somewhat inappropriate. How many of them still play a significant part in your SEO efforts? Yahoo and Google? Possibly Live stumbling along and getting out of breath every few steps. Anyhow…) Lets have a look at the awesome...

Hey guys! How you been? I have not made a post for a while but I am back and I should be making regular blog posts again. This one is going to be slightly different. I am going to post an idea and we can do a bit of brainstorming together to hopefully come up with an easy backlink development method. Has anyone had much success developing backlinks using RSS feeds? If you are not familiar with this...

You probably know that Flickr can be an excellent resource for links as well as traffic. My previous method involved making a quick comment on flickr images that appear on the front page of Digg and generate up to 500 clicks. However just like on most website we can’t really go around plugging our link everywhere without getting banned. Or can we? After doing a bit of backlink research yet another method has popped up. Have a look at...

Just in case you don’t know what nofollow is you can find more information here. To cut the story short its an attribute rel=”nofollow” that was introduced in attempt to tackle the spam. Links containing this attribute do not have any effect on page rank. I was never really a big fan of nofollow since it was introduced. I mean… 3 years later and did it reduce any spam? Do you see a reduction in comment spam? Not...