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25 SEO-Related Things To Do During Must See TV Thursdays

25 SEO-Related Things To Do During Must See TV Thursdays

My wife is a big “Ugly Betty“, “Grey’s Anatomy” fan and still appreciates television without the Tivo or DVR (although she’ll go to if we miss something). Even though I’m not a dedicated viewer, Thursday nights represent a bit of family time, and fortunately, only my physical presence is really required.

Found on Wikipedia, courtesy of ABC

Thus, “Must See TV Thursdays” becomes a 2 hour opportunity to tie up loose ends from the regular work day, work on few side projects or catch up on the personal “to do list”.

If you’re like me, using time effectively means the most when the demand for time greatly exceed the supply. Here’s 25 ideas designed to benefit your online marketing strategy, representing “quick hits” for your websites success in search. These are the SEO-type of things I try to accomplish on my Thursday nights. They represent “baby steps” necessary for long-term SEO success in your online marketing strategy.

25 SEO-Related Things To Do During Must See TV Thursdays

  1. Use a free keyword research tool to find 5 long-tail keyword ideas that you had not been optimizing for in the past for new content development
  2. Put unique HTML titles & META descriptions on 5 web pages you’ve been neglecting for the past year
  3. Send out 3 personalized link requests
  4. Research and document the inbound links from your top competitor in a given keyword space for link opportunities
  5. Research 2 or 3 of your main competition’s websites for 1 or 2 things they have (on their site) that you don’t have (and want)
  6. Brainstorm how you can do it better than they are
  7. Search for your brand name(s) and find 3 websites you can contact because they reference your website/product but don’t give you an inbound link (yet) to target as a link opportunity
  8. Submit your business address to Google Maps
  9. Check your Google AdWords reports for three profitable keyword referrals that you had not been optimizing organically for
  10. Re-evaluate the landing pages of your worst performing PPC campaigns and ad groups
  11. Re-evaluate the ad copy of your worst performing PPC campaigns and ad groups
  12. Write a blog post
  13. Take a look at Search Engine Land’s Daily Searchcap for 2 new articles or blog posts you may have missed
  14. Check out Sphinn for a new online marketing blog to add to your RSS reader
  15. Sign up for an RSS reader
  16. Comment on 1 or 2 blog posts that you find valuable
  17. Find 2 industry related resources that offer opportunities for article submissions, record the contact information and set a goal of contacting them for information on how to send one of your articles.
  18. Contribute to a discussion in an industry related online forum
  19. Answer 2 or 3 questions in Yahoo Answers, or similar service
  20. Create a profile in a new social media website
  21. Review your existing profiles in social media websites and make sure they are as detailed as possible (and that you feel comfortable with)
  22. Vote for 5 stories in Digg, Reddit or similar social news website. Comment on 1 if possible.
  23. Review one of your favorite Stumblers on StumbleUpon
  24. Make an unsolicited (positive) recommendation to someone in your LinkedIn network
  25. Actually watch Grey’s Anatomy. (It probably won’t improve your SEO strategy, but it may benefit your “staying alive” strategy)

Taken as individual tasks, it’s unlikely this one task will specifically lead to top keyword rankings for your website; but as stated above, they’re some of the building blocks that a small business owner can leverage, when the time is precious and the effective usage of time is a priority.

And you can complete a lot more than one or two in that two hour prime-time television window (or at least the 90+ minutes excluding commercial breaks  )

I hope you found these ideas valuable and I’d love to hear what other little strategies have worked for your online marketing strategy in the past.
